//全局按键信号量 s_sem sem_key; /* * install_kb : 安装键盘中断 * return : void */ void install_kb() { //初始化全局按键信号量 sem_key.value = 1; sem_key.list_block = NULL; //打开IRQ1的键盘中断 outb_p(inb_p(0x21) & 0xfd, 0x21); //清除键盘状态可以接受新按键 outb_p(0x7f, 0x61); }
//获取全局信号量 if (params[0] == 2) { int type = (int) params[1]; //按键信号量 if (type == 0) { s_sem **sem = (s_sem **) params[2]; sem = addr_parse(cr3, sem); *sem = &sem_key; } }
if (params[0] == 0x10) { char *ch = (char *) params[1]; ch = addr_parse(cr3, ch); ch_for_get = ch; pcb_wait_key(pcb_cur); }
if (ch_for_get != NULL) { //得到按键 char ch = keys[key_ind - 1][kb_key_shift]; //为请求程序设置按键 *ch_for_get = ch; //清空数据区 ch_for_get = NULL; pcb_wakeup_key(); }
char getchar() { char ch = 0; //取得全局按键信号量 s_sem *sem = get_global_sem(0); while (ch == 0) { sem_wait(sem); int params[2]; params[0] = 0x10; params[1] = (int)&ch; __asm__ volatile ("int $0x82" :: "a"(params)); sem_post(sem); } return ch; }
void gets(char *str) { char ch, *p = str; while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n') { *p = ch; p++; putchar(ch); } *p = '\0'; putchar('\n'); }
int get_int() { char str[0x800]; char ch, *p = str; char sign = 0; do { ch = getchar(); if (ch == 0x8) { if (p > str) { p--; backspace(); } } else if (sign == 0 && (ch == '+' || ch == '-')) { sign = ch; putchar(ch); } else if (ch == '\n') { putchar(ch); break; } else { *p = ch; p++; putchar(ch); } } while (1); *p = '\0'; p = str; int num = 0; for (int i = 0; p[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (i == 0) { num = (int) p[i] - 48; } else { num *= 10; num += (int) p[i] - 48; } } if (sign == '-') { return -num; } return num; }
void scanf(char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_init(args, fmt); while (*fmt != '\0') { if (*fmt == '%') { if ('c' == *(fmt + 1)) { char *p = (char *) va_arg(args, u32); *p = getchar(); putchar(*p); fmt += 2; } else if ('s' == *(fmt + 1)) { char *str = (char *) va_arg(args, u32); gets(str); fmt += 2; } else if ('d' == *(fmt + 1)) { int *p = (int *) va_arg(args, u32); *p = get_int(); fmt += 2; } else { break; } } else { fmt++; } } }
#include <kernel/string.h> #include <shell/stdio.h> int main(int argc, char **args) { printf("Enter '\\n' to the end of the function 'getchar()'.\n"); char ch = 0; do { ch = getchar(); putchar(ch); } while (ch != '\n'); printf("Enter \"exit\" to the end of the function 'gets()'.\n"); char str[0x200]; do { gets(str); printf("%s\n", str); } while (str_compare("exit", str) != 0); int i; do { printf("Enter 0 for i to the end of the function 'scanf()'.\n"); printf("i = "); scanf("%d", &i); printf("ch = "); scanf("%c", &ch); printf("\n"); printf("str = "); scanf("%s", str); printf("i = %d\tch = %c\tstr = %s\n", i, ch, str); } while (i != 0); printf("End of stdio example.\n"); return 0; }
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